12 januari: cafe Europa - Sarajevo

Bericht uit Sarajevo

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muziek gebracht door  General Bazaar » luister hier


Donderdag,  12 januari 2012, 20.00 u , gratis toegang

Locatie:    Cercle des Voyageurs,  Lievevrouwbroersstraat 18, 1000 Brussels    www.lecercledesvoyageurs.com

Schrijf je in voor deelname via  events@cafeuropa.eu

Georganiseerd door:  Café Europa Events  in samenwerking met HoedGekruid vzw


***  Een bericht dd. 16 November 2011, 13:26   ****
Zsofia Bakonyi says :   

" If I may suggest a topic (which is close to my heart), it would be the siege of Sarajevo and what Sarajevo is today, how the city and the people are healing themselves and trying to integrate into Europe.

To my experience, even today many people think about Sarajevo based on the news from 20 years ago.

I have beautiful memories from Sarajevo, where I have met young people who are working to preserve peace on the long term in Bosnia by aiming to establish a better communication between ethnic groups while trying to cope with their memories of the war."


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